These are the organisations involved with Raising Peace.
Please click on tiles for links to their websites.
International Volunteers for Peace Australia (IVP)
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (NSW)
facebook page
Marrickville Peace Group
Video: About us
International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear weapons
United Nations Association of Australia, NSW Division
PEN Sydney
People for Nuclear Disarmament
Medical Association for the Prevention of War
Australian Anti-Bases Campaign Coalition
Independent and Peaceful Australia Network
Wage Peace
Sydney Peace Foundation
The Australia Institute
West Papua Association
facebook page
Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service
Handup Congo
Helping People Resettle in Australia
Our mission is to improve the lives of migrants and refugees from Africa and beyond in Australia and help them integrate socially, culturally and economically.
Pax Christi
Uluru Statement
SEARCH Foundation
Safe Ground
Maritime Union of Australia
Pace e Bene Australia
Brendan McKeague, Convenor, What peace means to me: Living as nonviolently as possible in harmony with self, others and all life forms on the planet.
Department of Peace and Conflict Studies
“The Department of Peace and Conflict Studies promotes interdisciplinary research and teaching on the causes of conflict and the conditions affecting resolution and transformation. Research projects and other activities focus on attaining positive peace in just societies with plentiful resources for non-violent responses to conflict.”
AVP Australia
Australians for War Powers Reform
Soka Gakkai International Australia
See Resources Page for the video: Emerging from the Nuclear Shadow: Treasuring the Dignity of Life
Older Women’s Network NSW
Sydney Knitting Nannas and Friends
Initiatives of Change Australia – building trust across the world’s divides
Find us on Facebook here.
Creators of Peace Circles transforms, empowers and engages women in peace creation
Find us on Facebook here.