The 2021 Raising Peace Festival featured many incredible events and speakers, and we are pleased to have all of them here for you to experience again – or if you missed them for the first time.
To help you find what most interests you, we have organised the videos into themes. Follow the links below, or just scroll down the page. And if you only have a couple of minutes, watch Nick Deane from IPAN capture the essence of the festival.
Raising Peace signature events | First Nations Yarning for Peace |
Living Peace | The Environment and Peace |
Peace Works: From Australia to the World | International Peace Work |
Peace Activism | Peace and the UN System |
The Raising Peace Festival is run by volunteers.
We welcome any donations to support our work,
including running our events and managing the website.
Raising Peace Signature Events: We gathered a selection of the finest thinkers and practitioners on peace for our opening and closing sessions, while the Ambassador of Costa Rica’s keynote address was a remarkable testament to what can be achieved when a whole country commits itself to peace.
First Nations Yarning for Peace: On 18 September, the festival was run by an extraordinary group of First Nations speakers, led by Thomas Mayor. Their four sessions were enlightening, challenging and inspiring. First Nations speakers also featured in sessions on Asia & the Pacific, youth and the final forum.
Living Peace: Practising peace in your daily life can transform how you engage with the world in fundamental and practical ways.
The Environment and Peace: The connection between a peaceful world and healthy environment has never been more apparent. We need to act. Also watch the First Nations panel Mother Earth.
Peace Works: From Australia to the World: Old or young, as a volunteer or in your work, there are many ways to be a peacemaker. The changes that will occur in people’s lives from raising peace where you live can have far reaching impacts.
International Peace Work: Extraordinary work is done in the cause of peace all around the world – even in places where peace seems unobtainable. But those working on peacebuilding overseas need to remember that peace starts at home.
Peace Activism: While activism is part of a great deal of peace related work, passionate and strategic grassroots activism is the leading tool in the stand against militarism in all its forms.
Peace and the UN System: The United Nations was formed to create peace and the world is undeniably better off because of it. But it is far from perfect, and the work to improve it is never ending.
Rotary Matters interview with Raising Peace activist —Diane Tippett—
See Rotary Matters website here!
A panel of Raising Peace organisers discuss a shared moment on RRR’s Uncommon Sense:
Let us see what Peace can do
A shared statement by peacebuilding organizations
International Day of Peace, 21 September 2021
Without peace, development will falter
Without justice, hope will wither
Without inclusion, we will all be left behind.
Can we find our way back? 18 months into a global pandemic, our hearts go out to those who are suffering. We are in awe of the extraordinary efforts by so many to save lives and offer comfort. Yet, in too many ways, humanity has fallen short. COVID-19 has shown us the fragility of our institutions and the fault lines in international cooperation, just as the need for unified action is more urgent than ever in the face of the expanding climate emergency.
In 1945, the United Nations was founded to ‘promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom’. But the steady progress that has been made is now at risk, not only from the challenges we face, but also from the way we respond to them. Responses to crisis that increase violence, injustice and exclusion will exacerbate development losses and human suffering, leaving many behind.
As we face the stark human-made realities of a warming planet, we must redouble our peace efforts, to help mediate and navigate the immense shifts in power and resources that will be needed to forestall further avoidable temperature rise, to prevent and resolve the conflictsthat may be exacerbated or precipitated by environmental destruction; and to prepare the path to a more sustainable, peaceful, and equitable future. We must re-dedicate ourselves to the 2030 Agenda vision of a global partnership of all stakeholders to foster peace, justice, and inclusion, not just in development, but as a goal to unite all efforts to transform our world and respond to the challenges we face. Peace is not an add-on: peace is the way.
As organizations devoted to building peace and justice around the world, we call on the international community to:
Refocus on peace, justice and inclusion, in development, in crisis response and in addressing the climate emergency. The 2030 Agenda and the SDGs show that development gains are only sustainable if accompanied by efforts by all governments to foster peace, justice, and inclusion. We know that for crisis response to be effective, it needs to be transformative, rooted in the needs of affected communities, and tied to long-term efforts to further peace, development, and human rights. Now we need to embed these lessons in all our actions to address the climate emergency and its root causes. As governments come together this year, we urge delegates to recall that no technical or political solutions will be sustainable unless they are inclusive and equitable, foster trust, include mechanisms to address grievances and promote resilience, respect human rights, and leave no one behind.
Mainstream and step up investment in peace. Meeting the challenges that the world now faces will require significant resources. These investments will have a more sustainable impact when they are crafted to foster peace, justice and inclusion as an integral part of their health, humanitarian, economic, or security objectives. We call on member states to mainstream conflict sensitive and risk informed approaches that are people-centered and promote long-term sustainable peace in all funding for crisis response and development, and in that spirit to support the upcoming UN General Assembly High-Level Meeting on Financing for Peacebuilding.
Prioritize inclusion and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms. The inclusion and participation of all people is vital, including women, youth, minorities, indigenous peoples, and those with disabilities. This year has been witness to a deeper focus on entrenched and systemic patterns of intersectional exclusion, including racism, as highlighted in the establishment of a Permanent Forum on People of African Descent. We support OHCHR’s Agenda Towards Transformative Change for Racial Justice and Equality. The bedrock of sustainable development is inclusion, and it is just as important amid crisis where engaging endogenous capacities and perspectives is critical.
Step away from securitized responses. This month marks the 20th anniversary of 9/11. The horror of that moment stays with us, and we continue to grieve. And we also grieve for all the lives lost since then. The preoccupation with counterterrorism has not made the world any safer. We have seen increasingly militarized and violent reactions to political dissent, the normalization of torture and extrajudicial killing, and international relations determined more by the perceived security needs of a few, rather than the right to peace and development of the many. Violence is never the answer. As our communities are ever more buffeted by change, governments must protect civic space, become more accountable and inclusive, and respect international humanitarian and human rights law.