Led by Nicole Laupepa and including Antar and WRN
Session 4 – Yarning – Walking Together – an interactive session led by First Nations colleagues and settler Australians – exploring how we continue to ‘walk together’ for peace with justice in the nation of Australia.
Panelists –
Michelle Aleksandrovics Lovegrove – Facilitator
Nicole Laupepe
Yaama gara nginda, Ngay gayrr Nicole. I come from the lands of the Gomeroi people, the people of the red sands and black soils. I come from the murri gubbi clan of the kaputhin moiety of the madhaa skin group. I am an experienced and passionate community advocate for social justice and cultural diversity. I am currently a senior Leader for Youth Off The Streets, my expertise includes early intervention, child protection, out of home care, homelessness, domestic and family violence, alcohol and other drugs, and criminal justice.
Jacqui Parker
With 20 years’ experience as a facilitator and trainer, Jacqui has designed and delivered an array of programs and workshops to groups and individuals in both the community and private sectors. Much of Jacqui’s work involves sharing her skills and toolset with leaders, CALD and Indigenous causes and communities. Her conviction in the Uluru Statement From the Heart guides her to instill confidence in non-Indigenous Australia to accept the invitation in accepting the invitation to walk together. She has taught and worked with many organisations including the Australian College of Applied Psychology, UNSW Medical facility, The Forgotten Australians, The National Justice Project, Playgroups NSW, Carers NSW, Settlement Services International and currently Youth Off The Streets. As a mediator for the Conflict Resolution Network, Jacqui enables practical approaches to Conflict Management and Culturally Responsive Practice by prioritising relevant and interactive activities and training that ensure essential outcomes are achieved. Jacqui Parker jacqui.parker@pobox.com Ph 0418 667040
Michael West
Michael West supports the embracing and understanding of diversity, believing appreciation of diversity, brings greater opportunities both here in Australia and throughout the world, this is achieved through culturally respectful engagement. Everyone has an intrinsic value, it’s upon us, the individuals, the communities and society to support and develop capabilities to enable the achievement of dreams and aspirations.
Paul Wright
Paul Wright has nearly 2 decades of experience working in both Government and non-government sectors – covering Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander affairs, health, immigration and social services. Paul studied politics and international relations at the University of Canberra and has a Masters of Strategic Studies from the Australian National University. Prior to running ANTaR, Paul was the Executive Officer for the Close the Gap Campaign Secretariat and the National Health Leadership Forum at the Australian Human Rights Commission.
Remo Giuffre – remo@tedxsydney.com
Remo Giuffré is a creative strategist and author (General Thinker, 2014) with a long track record as an entrepreneur, retail merchant and brand builder. He founded the iconic REMO General Store in 1988; and co-founded the General Thinking network in 2001. He also enjoys a long and ongoing association with the TED organisation in New York, and, since 2009, has been CEO & Founding Licensee for TEDxSydney, an annual flagship TEDx event that has become Australia’s leading ideas forum and the gold standard for TEDx events globally. His most recent initiative is REMORANDOM a community sourced curation of Everything Interesting; a selection of ideas, stories and observations designed to inform and entertain.
Mich-Elle Myers
Mich-Elle Myers is a former wharf labourer and is now the National Women’s Officer for the MUA. She is also the Vice President of the Australian Labor Party and is a passionate supporter of the Uluru Statement from the Heart. michelle.myers@mua.org.au – 0401202667
Tickets from: Eventbrite